Ola Kolehmainen was invited artist at Rheinisches Billdarchiv Köln as part of the first edition of the Artist Meets Archive programme.
At the beginning of the 2000s he belonged to the successful first generation of artists at the so-called “Helsinki School”. Ola Kolehmainen is known for his minimalistic abstract close-ups of architectural details, such as geometric surface structures or reflective window façades. In his early groups of works he deals with the modern 20th and 21st century buildings by architects such as Mies van der Rohe and Alvar Aalto. At the heart of his precise and designerly oeuvre is confrontation with the interplay of structure, chromaticity, construction history and the location-specific lighting conditions of architecture. His reduced shots inspire questions concerning the reality of what is shown, the spatial experiencing of architectural photography, and buildings’ universal, timeless, ornamental fundamental character.
In his current, Cubist-looking photographs the artist deals with sacred interiors and exteriors, with synagogues, mosques, churches and cathedrals. Through the fragmentary assembly of multiple individual shots, which have been taken from various, slightly displaced positions, Kolehmainen shifts perspectives and, in doing so, breaks the symmetries of familiar visual axes.
The Rheinisches Bildarchiv guards many photographs. These are predominantly perceived as documentary photographs for the sake of their illustrated motifs but, at the same time, as haptically tangible objects – retouched glass plate negatives, for example – they are important testimonies of photographic history. Ola Kolehmainen’s approach pays tribute to both aspects in a highly exciting way. In his works, he breaks with viewing habits and, as a result, motivates conscious seeing. Kolehmainen brings the negative, so to speak, out of its shadowy existence as a means to an end into the limelight of artistic scrutinization of its own aesthetic qualities.
Dr. Johanna Gummlich, Director of the Rheinisches Bildarchiv
Yasmine Eid-Sabbagh
Artist Meets Archive #2: Rautenstrauch-Joest cat Scratching the Black Box of Colonial Photographs
Joan Fontcuberta
Artist Meets Archive #2: Gossan: Mars Mission
Philipp Goldbach
Image Cycle
Naoya Hatakeyama
Artist Meets Archive #3: Yokohama Souvenirs
Erik Kessels
Artist Meets Archive #1: Archive Land
Lebohang Kganye
Artist Meets Archive #3: Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum
Pablo Lerma
Artist Meets Archive #3: NS-Documentation Center
Lilly Lulay
Artist Meets Archive #3: Rhenish Image Archive
Anna Orłowksa
Artist Meets Archive #2: A Part of the Part
Ronit Porat
Artist Meets Archive #1: Paradiesvogel
Rosângela Rennó
Artist Meets Archive #2: Eaux des Colonies
Fiona Tan
Artist Meets Archive #1: GAAF
Roselyne Titaud
Artist Meets Archive #1: Die Hummer-Quadrille
Antje van Wichelen
Artist Meets Archive #1: NOISY IMAGES
The Artist Meets Archive programme invites international artists to collaborate with the Cologne Archives & Collections. Within the framework of a residency, they can immerse themselves in the city's photographic holdings and develop an exhibition project for the Photoszene Festival. In the first two editions of Artist Meets Archive, eleven artists were able to participate and present their projects in Cologne.